Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Good news in Tuesday's election: known crooks lost

Good news -- the known crooks lost

Eddie Caldwell, vice president and general counsel of the N.C. Sheriffs' Association in Raleigh, reports good news in Tuesday's primary: the known crooks lost.

Here's an e-mail from Caldwell:

For your information:
--- All six of the candidates for sheriff who are known convicted felons lost their primary election: Davidson, Washington, Wilkes, Avery, McDowell, and Cleveland
Nevertheless, the NC Sheriffs’ Association will continue working with Senator Stan Bingham, the bill sponsor, and the leadership of the North Carolina General Assembly to get the 2010 General Assembly to enact Senate Bill 351, No Felon as Sheriff, to place a constitutional amendment on the November, 2010 ballot asking the voters of North Carolina to approve a constitutional amendment to prohibit convicted felons from serving as sheriff in North Carolina.
Eddie C.


randomusings said...

Seven. Nick Mackey lost too.

Unknown said...
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Ann said...
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