Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama below 50% in N.C.

President Obama's popularity in North Carolina continues to decline and now is below the 50 percent threshhold, says Public Policy Polling analyst Tom Jensen.

Jensen says only 46 percent of N.C. voters approve, while 47 percent disapprove. It was up around 54 percent just four months ago.

Also: The unpopularity of his health care plan with the state's voters may be contributing to his downward decline. Only 39% of voters in the state say they support it, while 50% are opposed. Obama's problem on that front is that Republicans are more united in their opposition to it than Democrats are in their support of it. 88% of GOP voters say they're against while just 65% of Democrats express favor
Jensen also says:
Lest there was any doubt he has lost his star with African American voters, 80% gave him an 8 or a 9.

More voters now disapprove than approve of Obama in every section of the state with the exception of the Triangle, where his 58/36 approval spread props up his overall numbers.


Anonymous said...

Good...Hopefully everyone other than Blacks in this state will wise up and vote Obama and Perdue out of office when their terms are up. In the case of Black voters, we all know they will continue to vote for a Black candidate no matter what they have done; Marion Barry, Nick Mackey, etc.

Anonymous said...

The coment that was jest be post I think it be racist.

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding!!!

Anonymous said...

1:41pm is spot on -- a majority of blacks have and will continue to vote for someone based solely on the color of their skin. There've been countless examples of this and why we still have jury-meandered districts that proclaim they were designed for equality in representation when in fact they're established for separation. Mel Watt's district is a prime example.

You'll always have this division take place in the minority community who is disproportionately categorized as low-income. They will continue to expect government support and programs while most of them do not pay one cent into the system. Currently the bottom 40% of our nation does not pay taxes -- when that figure reaches 50%, our nation as a democracy will begin to crumble.

Anonymous said...

Well said.
Not all, but MANY blacks sit around with their hands held out waiting for the monthly check.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that 2:44

drive around clt

B. Brown said...

That is a racist statement about Blacks and is a sign that Barack Obama will win in NC again, because most in the state have moved beyond that Jim Crowist mentality or simply were never there. And incidentally, historically Black voters have overwhelmingly supported White candidates deemed the best choice, so to clear things up, Black people voting for Obama in high numbers isn't just a Black thing. The party of Jesse Helms, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc, etc, etc, like-thinkers will never receive serious consideration. It's a deal-breaker or prevents a deal-maker. And with the lack of support that Judge Sotomayor received from the GOP for the US Supreme Court, you may want to place Hispanic and Latino voters in that category also.

As far as health care reform is concerned, it's needed. The opposition to the Obama presidency doesn't want serious dialogue (thus organized disruptions of town hall meetings held to discuss the subject), but instead wants to distort the message for political gain. Imagine that. Over 45 million people without adequate or any health care, including family members pursuing an education but are aged out of parental coverage, persons who have lost their jobs (now there's a growing pool)and the millions of persons left in a quandry each day because insurance companies refuse to pay their medical claims while hiding behind a convenient "pre-existing medical condition" excuse. Now that's not a joking matter.

The President was right when he said that powerful interests love the status quo and will do anything to stand in the way of change that may upset their economic applecart. In their quest, they often enlist the gullible, the uninformed, and often a willing contingency of some who pine for a return to the "good old days".

Anonymous said...

b brown,

is health care a right?

worst health care in the world is social health care programs.

obama is going to break america....he's going to robin hood us all into the hood.

Jonathan said...

I love how all of these folks scream SOCIALISM and whatnot, but seem to have no idea what it means. Federal government farm subsidies? The kind that MANY farmers in NC receive, including some people in my own family? Friends, that is socialism. The US practices socialism on a daily basis. Medicare? There are literally countless examples. What about when George W. Bush passed Medicare Part B? That will cost us hundreds of billions of dollars - also a socialist policy. I don't understand where all of this venom comes from.

Heck, the US military is one of the most socialist organizations in the world! Free healthcare, etc. I'm not saying they don't deserve it (they do), but it's very disconcerting to me to see all of these anonymous posters say pretty blatantly racist things that have no bearing to reality (even anecdotally...get out of the cities and you'll find that MANY of the poorest people in this country are white southerners.) It's almost as if people live in an alternate reality.

I think you'll find also that a lot of our fellow democracies are semi-socialist states, and they seem to be doing OK. Our health care system is nowhere near number 1 in the world, but why would we EVER want to change it?!?! The crazy opposition this has fostered is laughable, and again, completely divorced from reality.

Anonymous said...

jonathan makes good points. no country is all capitalist or all socialist, always a blend, and the USA is no different.

We need military and we need food for sure. Those are must haves, and I am ok with it.

What i don't want to see is our Kenyan president tipping on over further and further towards socialism, we need to keep a blend going because history plainly shows that too much socialism ends a country. We can't be all things to all people especially when there are costs to it.


B. Brown said...

"is health care a right?"
Health care is not a right, but neither are banks, automobile companies, interstate highways, hospitals, emergency care, but they sure are nice to have around when you need them!

It's not unreasonable to fix that "pre-existing condition medical condition" insurance claim loophole used to further terrorize suffering families in their time of need.

To hide behind the excuse "is it a right?" to avoid improving the health care system when it is badly in need of an overhaul is also pretty lame.

Anonymous said...

i got this in an email this morning...

"You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."*

obamas approval ratings are proof that this administration is over its head. they have consistantly dropped since he moved into office. this country has gotten way too PC, and its time to start rewarding the people who work hard rather then having us pay the way for everyone who doesnt. white or black, its ridiculous that people are allowed to work the system and get by for doing absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

Tot eh person who said "Go drive around Charlotte.":

Seriously? We're not talking about one city here.

Jonathan said...

peSome of this nation's hardest workers are those that get paid the least. Back breaking work goes on in this country every day for very little pay. The idea that "hard work" = "lots of money" is completely absurd on its face. That's not how the world works, and it's not how this country works. As for the email that you presented to us, I would suggest that you take a look at Sweden/Norway/Denmark/Finland...all countries that have a highly developed social safety net, lots of vacation time for workers, free health care, etc. I don't think anyone would argue that the people living in those countries are lazy. Would you? Those are rich countries that have a well-educated, very productive class of workers. Not lazy dolers waiting for government handouts.

Anonymous said...

i fail to make the connection jonathon, what does a country that provides support for non-lazy people have to do with a country that provides support for lazy people. if the US were set up this way, we wouldnt be having this discussion

Anonymous said...


you make brilliant points again.

what are the demographics in

Sweden/Norway/Denmark/Finland where things are working well?

so what is at the heart of our problems?

the cold hard truth

Anonymous said...

"Back breaking work goes on in this country every day for very little pay"


EXACTLY! reward the people that are trying to better themselves, dont punish them because there are people who refuse to get up and find a job

Anonymous said...

lots of vacation time for workers, free health care, etc.

the key word in that sentence is "workers"

Jonathan said...

I should have clarified - the Scandinavian social system is setup to support everyone - those who have jobs and those who do not. People who do not have jobs in Scandinavia are not subjected to no health care, no unemployment benefits, etc. I don't think that race really has anything to do with why their system works, so the demographics of those countries are a moot point. The concept I was getting at earlier about people who do backbreaking work for very little pay was to strike home the fact that those people AREN'T being rewarded by our current system, and may never be. I don't think that welfare recipients in this country are being rewarded for their lack of work - unless your idea of reward is some small semblance of food/clothing/shelter, which is simply a case of human decency. If jobs were so easy to get, I don't think we'd have almost double digit employment. Instead of the rage being directed at the impoverished people in this country (and those that simply want to help), shouldn't we be more angry at the financial sector for allowing the collapse? And the Bush administration for letting this happen on their watch? I could go on and on, but honestly, there's a lot of misplaced anger here. Poor people aren't screwing you over, as much as some don't want to admit it. And again, there are PLENTY of welfare recipients in this country that are white, and a lot of thim live in the South (why is the South so much poorer as a region than the other 3? Hint: it's not because of African-Americans.)

Anonymous said...

Health care does need an overhaul. The first option would be to eliminate frivolous lawsuits and stop the fishing expeditions attorneys go on when someone does not get the result they want. Defensive medicine is expensive but, if you fail to run a test, you will be found liable and a judgement rendered. This is reported to a database established by federal law. You can check your own physician, dentist etc there. As a health provider I understand what it costs to run an office and provide quality care to my patients. I do not want the government telling me how much I should be reimbursed. If they want to eliminate a percentage of my income then my staff, suppliers, laboratories, janitorial service, insurance company etc need to be mandated the same percentage decrease. I accept Medicaid as part of my practice. 40% of my time generates 15% of my gross income and 0.75% of my profit. Am I getting rich doing this? NO. I do it because it needs to be done as do many of my colleagues. When you operate at 65% overhead and are reimbursed 35-45% of your fee you lose money on each patient. I subsidize the difference by taking home less money to my family. And by the way, there is not a racial difference as to enrollees in Medicaid. I see all colors and races.

Anonymous said...


instead of giving new healthcare, clean up the lawsuits etc first.

Anonymous said...

Remember on two occasions Obama has admitted the plan will limit coverage to the elderly. First time was in May during an interview with the NYT, he explained that it did not make sense to provide a hip replacement to someone that is terminally ill. The second time was a month later during one of his “Town Halls” a question was asked about a 90 year-old receiving a pace maker and Obama explained that it may be best for society not to waste resources on this person but to provide her with pain killers.

Maybe you heard of Barbara Wagener of Oregon who was denied coverage by the Oregon Healthcare Plan for the drug Tarceva, which could slow the growth of her cancer and extend her life; instead…….they said they would cover assisted suicide.

My grandfather received a quadruple bypass when he was 81; he is now 90 and going strong. What would have happened under a government provided plan? He would have probably been denied.

Anonymous said...

We need to throw these bums out of office. This is BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Taxation is theft!!

Anonymous said...

i see how this all comes back to the bush administration but do not forget that the democrats have controlled congress for quite sometime now. bill clinton was the one that thought everyone should have a home and the housing industry is what has caused 90% of the issues we are seeing in our economy today. i am glad to finally see someone mention law reform with regards to healthcare. doctors are hesitant to treat ER cases for fear of lawsuits while people expect the ER to serve as their primary physician. until this issue is addressed we will continue to see med students shy away from family medicine and pursue specialized fields. also, i dont think people are upset with poor folks as a whole, but the fact is that all types of people have figured out how to work the system and receive compensation for doing absolutely nothing. the system wasnt designed to support people forever, its there to provide temporary help for people in need. in my opinion the guy walking to the store at 8:30am on a tuesday to get a beer does not deserve any of the money i make. with regards to "back breaking work for hardly any pay" again i fail to make that connection. ive worked everything from landscaping to construction. $10/hr isnt enough to support a family but you have to start somewhere. somehow it seems like everyone wants $60k a year without any experience and expects to not have to put in anything extra to keep a position. you show me someone who works hard all week and ill show you someone with health care and some cash in their pocket

Anonymous said...

Let's cut to the chase here. The blacks pretty much cause most of our problems. You know what Im sayin?

Anonymous said...

right on!!!

Anonymous said...

This coming from a state that still believes Obama wasn't born in the US? Conservatives in this state could be the dumbest lot since . . . ah. . . . South Carolina?

Anonymous said...

This coming from a state that still believes Obama wasn't born in the US? Conservatives in this state could be the dumbest lot since . . . ah. . . . South Carolina?


thats pretty much a liberal for you, always opinionated, seldom educated

Anonymous said...

Stop weeping. He is going to your President for a long time! I will enjoy it as much as you did with GWB in 2001! Oh, and I am black and own more land than 75% of whites in N.C.!

Anonymous said...

Stop weeping. He is going to your President for a long time! I will enjoy it as much as you did with GWB in 2001! Oh, and I am black and own more land than 75% of whites in N.C.!

Anonymous said...

I am white and I love Barok Obama. At least he is for the people. Bush and Cheney only made their rich friends richer. Also, they say less government, but that is only so they can steal the money out of every system.

GO OBAMA... I don't care what color you are. Please continue to do the right thing. I believe he is still over 50$

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Obama is for the people. Are you on drugs? How can somebody be for the people when stealing the fruits of my labor? All this guy cares about is more power.

Anonymous said...

Of course the blacks are going to follow Obama in droves, because "he good people." They're so blinded by this beautiful racism argument that they've created in today's world that anyone black automatically gains qualifications surpassing any competing candidate.

The racism issue has been over for years on our end - you're the ones that continue to beat the dead horse...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"All the warnings the founding fathers gave us about government proved to be true. We should have listened" James Cook

Anonymous said...

yeah,, i voted for him because he is black,, and will do it again

leonard said...

You people should be ashamed of yourselves and I am sure you will have to answer for it when you, if you make it to heaven!
Racism is wrong!
If you are wondering I am a white male.
And I have the guts unlike you punk racist that post anonymously to add my name!

Anonymous said...

Go back and look at the Billingsley precinct in the 2008 general election. This is a predominately poor area in South Charlotte (Grier Heights) with a severely challenged school and it is the home of DSS. Voted something like 1600 for Obama and Perdue and about 12 for McCrory and McCain. Just a straight line ticket. Do you think those voters really understand that Perdue has steered the Obama stimulus money to other parts of the state? Or that McCrory could have made Charlotte roads, public projects and education a priority (or at least a level playing field)? No, they saw a check when an Obama worker came through Grier Heights registering people to vote a straight Democratic ticket. Tell me this wasn't racist....Have you heard the brothers on the Steve Harvey show spouting that they got Obama elected? Only 17% of the population and they got Obama elected...right.

Anonymous said...

Come on folks, black people are not that bad. I think every white man should own 2 or 3.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I love North Carolina its such a progressive state. Why, did we move here? Most folks haven't traveled more than 5 miles from home and remain ignorant and believe the world hasn't changed since the 1950s. Anyone with a decent education can come down here and live like a king because the native Charlottean has a highschool education and still lives in the sh!tclouds of their mind. Just an assessment of the native Billy Bobs, Susy Sues, Ray Rays and Ki ki's. In my opinion, all of you are the same, always blaming someone else for your own personal issues. Its laughable. I pity you. Now...

Please, quickly change the oil in my car. I'm in a hurry.