Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Perdue doing pretty well in Charlotte area, poll finds

Less than two months into their terms, President Obama is faring a little better in polls among North Carolina voters than Gov. Perdue, though Perdue is doing better in Charlotte than statewide -- at least according to Public Policy Polling.

PPP finds that Obama has a 52 percent approval rate and a 41 percent disapproval rate.

Ton Jensen notes, "Barack Obama has the highest approval PPP has ever found for the President in North Carolina. Of course that may have something to do with the fact that we were formed during the Bush administration...

"Nonetheless public opinion toward Obama is heavily fractured along party lines. While 82% of Democrats like the job he's doing, only 12% of Republicans do. Independents are pretty much split right down the middle with 46% approving and 45% expressing disapproval."

Meanwhile, PPP found that Perdue has a 43 percent approval rate and a 32 percent disapproval rate.

Says Jensen, "PPP's first look at Bev Perdue's approval rating finds decent numbers for her a month into her term as Governor. They're positively glowing compared to our final look at Mike Easley's approval ratings last June, which found only 33% of voters in the state happy with his performance compared to 37% who disapproved.

"Perdue's strongest marks are coming from her home base in the eastern part of the state, where 51% approve of her performance compared to just 26% who disapprove. Her weakest numbers are in the mountains, where 32% approve and 45% disapprove. Perhaps the most notable thing about Perdue's approval is that at 46/29, her numbers are better in greater Charlotte than they are statewide, perhaps an indication that her outreach efforts in the section of the state she fared poorest at in the election are starting to pay off."


Anonymous said...

I am shocked that she is "doing well in Charlotte." CMS advocated for her because she would be the right choice for school systems. Now CMS is laying off possibly 1,200 employees. Not to mention less than a month after being sworn in she is on vacation! Ridiculous. Yes, everyone deserves a vacation, but not the brand new governor in a time like this. She is clueless

Anonymous said...

has Bev done anything for CLT yet???

Anonymous said...

I live in Charlotte, and nobody has asked me what I think of her.

Anonymous said...

Great job Bev. I appreciate the funds for roads!!

Anonymous said...

Perdue, as predicted, has not done a thing for Charlotte. She is allocating the majority of stimulus package road funds for her hometown New Bern and Charlotte is getting a pawltry sum. As was her predecessors, she is a joke.

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