Friday, March 07, 2008

A major award for his excellency

Former Charlotte newsman Max Veale, who spent some time in Raleigh and understands some things about how government works and doesn’t, relays the following epistle purporting to be from Sir Rudyard Fulch, self-described knight errant. Veale recently discovered it somewhere near his home in Carpenter. I don’t know of anyone who would vouch for its authenticity, but just in case:

“The Pecksniffian Society of Greater Needmore and Lesser Hilltop has bestowed upon Governor Michael Easley its Award for Dogged Intransigence in recognition of the gubernator’s persistent refusal to accept responsibility for the misdeeds of his lackeys despite whelming evidence of their guilt, to wit:

“Governor Easley has displayed singular tapdancemanship in addressing questions concerning the mistreatment of thousands of North Carolina citizens who have sought professional care under mental health programs that either were or weren’t reformed into a state of confusion and inadequacy either (a) with his explicit approval or (b) over his vociferous objection, depending on who you ask, and assuming anyone can come to the phone.

“The Governor exhibits admirable dexterity by managing to be both responsible incumbent chief executive and critical shadow governor as it suits his fancy or as situations dictate.

“A Pecksniffian “Yo, bro!” to His Excellency and His Effrontery.

“/s/Rudyard W. Fulch III
Exalted Knight Errant”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My take: Easley will go down in history as the best "seat-warmer" in North Carolina history. He has presided over the most prosperous and growth-oriented time in recent memory and watched the legislature squander our tax money to the point that we are putting toll roads in to pay for roads. In addition, he has hidden from NC Citizens and the media for most of his term. McCrory would be a vast improvement, although I don't think Charlotte media will enthusiastically support him and that's shortsighted.

In another matter, the Spitzer story shows what will happen if the "hush hush" johns come to light. I understand prominent sports, business and political names are involved. There are wiretaps and video and we will know that "money talks" if none of this sees the light of day.

So, we conserve water and our water bills are dramatically going up because of a short-fall i.e. drought. Why can't the water dept. react to slower demand and lay off a few people. Oh, I forgot. That's not how government works.

Could there be any more dramatic snapshot of the cultural and economic divide between young whites and young black males than the brutal murder of Eve Carson? More young black males (17-22) are in the criminal justice system than are gainfully employed. Sad, but true. This murder and the one at Auburn just highlight how we are blindly turning away from a problem that continues to plague us: young black men committing crimes and going to jail while young black mothers attempt to raise multiple children...who seem to be destined to copy the lifestyle of their dad. Sad.